Outcome Database Formats

The following are examples of diagnostic and therapeutic outcome data base formats. It is desirable that articles submitted to the Journal for Clinical Biotensegrity are based on clinical observations that are based on the scientific method with appropriate questions, hypotheses, testing, conclusions, and outcome analysis; see reference below. Computerized outcome database formats facilitate such an analytical approach.

Of course, each observer may have their own ideas and preferences as to how these formats might be modified to better fit one’s individual clinical setting.  Any given format should track all important variables as noted in the below-cited reference. Ultimately, a format should be consistent, simple, and easy to track the individual patient’s clincial course at a single glance.

The following formats exemplify how one might formulate a tabular database. These are just suggestions. In these examples, abbreviations are explained below each format.  Yellow highlight delineates normal symptoms and physical examination findings and treatments.  Pain levels are described on a scale of 0 (no pain) to 10 (maximum pain). Lumphedema is presented on a scale of 0 (none) to 4+ (maximum). The examples provided on this website are in MS Word Table format.  Of course, the use of a spreadsheet program (e.g., MS Excel) or database program (e.g., MS Access) would be very helpful. We encourage anyone devising such programmed spreadsheet or database formats to submit examples to this Journal website to share with the general Orthopedic Medicine community.


Clark GB. Building a rationale for evidence-based prolotherapy in an orthopedic medicine practice. Part II: How to meld scientific methodology into the daily practice of Prolotherapy. Journal of Prolotherapy, 3(February):582-587;2011.


To contact Gary B. Clark, MD, Editor of the Journal of Clinical Biotensegrity, please use the following options:
E-mail address: boulderprolo@earthlink.com
Office phone: 303 444 5131

Example Outcome Database Formats:

Left click on the following self-explanatory links to select various examples of outcome database formats.

TMJ Outcome Database Format
Ankle Outcome Database Format
Shoulder Outcome Database Format
Elbow Outcome Database Format
Wrist Outcome Database Format
Nuchal Line-C-Spine Outcome Database Format
T-Spine Outcome Database Format
L-Spine-LSIJD Outcome Database Format
Hip Outcome Database Format
Knee Outcome Database Format

Clinical Biotensegrity | Gary B. Clark, MD, MPA | 1790 30th Street, Suite 230, Boulder, CO | (303) 444-5131